The court solutions have enhanced productivity and made all processes more efficient, user friendly and automated — smart time management. Cases are processed faster and more efficiently.
The online case management and payment solution is the most efficient in many ways! It allows quick and easy access for defendants to review and/or pay their cases. All options are there at their fingertips with my contact information if they need further assistance. The platform tool helps in the reduction of in-person traffic, therefore allowing court staff the ability to focus on court dockets and many more tedious tasks. We have better attendance at Virtual Court hearings. Win-win for court and defendant!
The benefits of this software suite are user-friendly, efficient, and advanced. I would recommend the software to any court and am looking forward to the debut of SmartCourt! I love this software suite because the developers are always working to improve and add complementing components to the existing platform.
AdComp is an amazing company that cares and has brilliant people working for them!