Remote Magistrate Kiosk

Remote Magistrate Kiosk Link to this heading

Overview Link to this heading

🌟 Introducing the future of courtrooms – the Remote Magistrate Kiosk. Already a success in San Antonio, this innovative system is set to redefine how courtrooms operate nationwide.

Core Benefits Link to this heading

⏱️ Time-Saving: Most sessions are concluded within just 4 minutes. 📜 Compliance: Fully ADA-compliant. 🎦 Visual Interactions: Video conferencing makes it almost like being there in person.

Feature Highlights Link to this heading

👨‍⚖️ Video Conferencing: Real-time judge interaction 🕓 Quick Sessions: Efficiency at its best 📁 Document Submission: Instantaneous and secure

How It Works Link to this heading

📞 Enables video conferencing with judges for case pleading and document presentation ⚖️ Allows defendants to receive judgments and make necessary payments 📹 Records all interactions for compliance and easy future reference