Online Dispute/Docket Resolution (ODDR) Link to this heading

Overview Link to this heading

🌟 Facilitate the smooth running of your court system with our mobile-friendly online dispute resolution platform. It acts as a digital intermediary between citizens and court officials, providing multiple resolution pathways.

Core Benefits Link to this heading

🛡️ Legal Compliance: Keeps citizens in compliance with the law, avoiding unnecessary legal issues.

📃 Paperless Environment: Go green by eliminating the need for paper documents.

📬 Direct Communication: Facilitates document exchange, electronic signatures, and direct communication between citizens and court officials.

Feature Highlights Link to this heading

💬 Text Message Options: Deferred dispositions, safety courses, payment plans

📝 Document Exchange: Say goodbye to snail mail

⏳ Fast Track Resolution: Speedier case resolutions for both the court and defendants

How It Works Link to this heading

📳 Sends citation resolution options via text message

📎 Encourages easy exchange of digital documents

🖋️ Enables digital signatures for official documents